The New LEED Trust

The New LEED Trust is a small NGO working in the field of education for underprivilegded and economically backward people in India. The meaning of LEED is: Liberation, Education, Economic Developement.

LEED has first started in the year 1992, was followed by New LEED in 1996 and The New LEED Trust from 1999. It is registered as a charitable trust (Regd. No. 934/2000, 12AA Income Tax act1961)

At present LEED is working in different locations in and around East Namachivaiapuram (Choolaimedu) of Chennai near to the polluted river of Kuvam.

In Choolaimedu centre we have study centre and activity classes like painting, cultural programs, general knowledge, dance, etc. The aim is to avoid drop out studens and give them a better future. Many of our students have become teachers.

Workshops open new perspectives for alternative sources of income. For exemple classes in service industry or in jewelery making.

Future plans include tailoring and handicrafts classes for women.

Plans for the longer run are made to open an alternative school.